Sunday, May 01, 2005

It never fails

Good grief...can't something so like it is suppose to?! We got the flooring on Saturday. Travis & I started taking up the old stuff and that when ok. We went to take out the vanity and the pipes to the sink wouldn't shut off...wouldn't turn even an inch. So, Travis hit it...tried again...nothing. We figured we would wait until today to work on the vanity. We continued our work and then finished for the evening...ate dinner and such. A few hours later I went into the kitchen to get a drink and I heard water dripping downstairs. I went down the steps and say water pouring from the ceiling onto the floor, our clothes (our washer & dryer is downstairs) both clean & was everywhere. I yelled for Travis to get down here now. He came running and then tried to shut off the water. We finally had to shut off the main water valve into the house...this was at 10:30 pm remember. Anyhoo, we spent sometime moving clothes and drying up the mess. We had to go with out water all night and all water back about 2:30. I am glad to have water, but now we have been without a toilet since about 10 this morning. (Remember...1 bathroom house.) I went to my parents about 2 pm and stayed with them for a little hubby says the toilet should be back in about 1-2 hours from now. The flange & the rubber thingy that goes under the toilet was wrong so they had to go get another one. Oh, the finally got the vanity out, and put the floor down. When they put that vanity back in they (meaning my hubby & his Dad) discovered that the sink was not draining AT ALL! So, they are also trying to figure out what is wrong with that. Simply tasks never turn out to be simple, at least when it comes to this house! I better get back to the laundry...we are having to re-wash almost every single article of clothing that was is going to be a long night and I have 1 hell of a week coming up at work....when it rains, it pours.

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