Monday, May 16, 2005

This is it

NO MORE! I am finished fixing things and updating things on this house. It is officially on the market (as of May 11th). Travis just finished the front porch and the back porch. No more...I am not putting anymore money into this house. The houses around us are selling for $10,000 more than our house and we have more square feet and a bigger yard. It is time for us to save the money for us to put down on our next house instead of putting it into this one that we are selling.
Ughh.....I am so tired tonight....I am heading to bed early I think. It has been a busy day! Didn't go to work (took annual leave) and went with Travis to his doctor's appointment...picked out his new glasses and waited on the, went to the grocery store and cleaned the is being shown to the realtors tomorrow at my Mother In-laws office (she is also our real estate agent). Anyhoo....I am tired so I am heading to bed. Good night!

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